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Modular cylindrical grinders can be customised

A modular concept allows the building of customised cylindrical grinding machine that is ideally suitable for medium to large components and medium volume production applications.
Modular concept grinding machine is ideally suitable for medium to large components and medium volume production applications. Danobat Machine Tool Co displays at IMTS 2006 the latest universality concept in medium - heavy duty grinding machines. Several machine configurations are available in order to satisfy market needs.

Customers worldwide, OEM and subcontractors, have already designed and developed their own HG grinder suited to their specific requirements and have experienced first hand the flexibility through partnership policy Danobat establishes with its customers.

Some of the most demanding applications, such as printing rolls and aerospace shafts, have relied on the multi diameter absolute measuring system (DAN MDM) to guarantee process precision and control.

This Danobat-developed system is a step forward in efficiency and process control.

It can be used either in-process or post-process applications, controlling part dimensions and measuring roundness and cylindricity on continuous or interrupted diameters.

The DAN MDM system is a highly value added tool for a single setup work process in medium to heavy parts when microns matter.

This system helps the operator avoid multiple manual measurement checks and offset changes that were traditionally required on the larger bulky close tolerance parts.

In addition it gives the operator the ability to in-process gauge virtually every critical diameter on the shaft, therefore reducing the overall cycle time and required operator intervention significantly.

The software is very intuitive and user friendly with its management and display conveniently integrated in the operator panel on Siemens or Fanuc CNCs.

This IMTS Special Edition HG 72-1500-B1 is the smallest of the HG product range series and is capable of handling parts up to 3300 lb and 63in in length, with a maximum diameter of 18in.

It has been equipped with a B1 wheelhead configuration (24in x 3.15in x 12in wheel) and the DAN MDM multi diameter absolute measuring system.

According to Harvi Chana, Danobat Grinding Division managing director, 'This compact footprint HG-72 rebounds maximum flexibility in configuration possibilities combined with rigidity, precision and productivity.' Chana emphasized in the HG product range potential in medium-heavy application markets, 'On structural big parts, when microns matter, our machines feel at ease guaranteeing outstanding performances, it is their job and customers will not expect less.' * HG product range overview - machine base and slideways - wheelhead infeed slide (X-axis): displacement of slide on hydrostatic slideways.

Direct drive transmission by servomotor and positioning controlled by linear encoder with 0.000004in resolution.

Table slide (Z-axis): displacement on V and flat slideways by automatic lubrication with indirect drive transmission by servomotor controlled by linear encoder.

Single block or double body available.

It is equipped with air cushion system for easy manual swiveling when the double body is used.

In both X and Z slides, the base guides are ground and hand-scraped, and the moving slide is coated with antifriction material and then handscraped.

Machine base and main elements have been designed using Finite Element Method in order to optimize internal rib distribution and provide the machines with stability and rigidity, ensuring high machining accuracy.

* Workhead - the workhead is mounted on a fixed or rotary base (optional) and has a dead or live spindle (optional), to meet the various grinding requirements.

It is driven by servomotor via timing belts, with infinitely variable speed programmable through CNC.

The stiffness of the various workheads available allows the grinding of parts of up to 33.5in diameter, 41in swing over bed, and maximum part weight capacity of 8820 lb between centres.

For the manual displacement of the workhead on the machine, air cushion and rack and pinion system is provided.

* tailstock - hydraulic tailstock has automatic quill lubrication and quill pressure control, ensuring high sensitivity when tailstock centre is in contact with workpiece.

The tailstock is a two body construction with preloaded guiding, which ensures perfect taper correction.

For easy manual displacement on the machine table, it is equipped with an air cushion and rack and pinion moving mechanism.

As an option, the tailstock can be automatically displaced by a motor-driven system.

* Wheelhead - considering the importance of this machine group in the universality / flexibility capacity of a grinder, Danobat offers different construction options; hydrostatic spindle, ultra precision angular contact bearing spindle and integrated electrospindles.

All options ensure high rigidity and excellent damping capacity, providing optimal surface finishes of ground components.

A variety of wheel configurations (straight, angular and CNC controlled swiveling B axis) provide tailor-made solutions for customer's specific requirements.

Especially the Danobat exclusive high precision integrated B axis provides accurate wheelhead positioning.

Direct transmission minimizes the number of parts, assuring reliability and low maintenance costs.

* Control and Software - the control panel and software designed by Danobat allow intuitive handling and machine setup similar to that of conventional grinding machine.

No special knowledge, such as ISO programming is required because the software is user friendly, based on soft keys and simple data inputs.


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