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Tooling produces CNC punched, burr-free parts

Two new tools, two patents filed, one purpose - thanks to the innovations of the roller deburring tool and the deburring MultiTool, sheet metal parts come out of the punching machine burr-free. This means that reworking in a separate manual stage, which was often necessary, is no longer needed. In the case of coated sheets and formed parts, this significantly reduces throughput times.

Both tools have something in common: they displace the burr and chamfer the edges (about 0.1mm).

The roller deburring tool uses a specially formed embossing roll for long edges and contours with a radius of more than 20mm.

In connection with the MultiShear tool (punching tool for outer and inner contours without disruptive nibble marks) the tool produces excellent edge quality as a result - for example in service openings of finished parts.

The three-way deburring MultiTool is suited to handle smaller radii, intricate geometries and corners in a single stroke or in nibble mode.

Various embossing contours take over this task as inserts in the die.

Both tools are suitable for sheet thicknesses of up to 2.5mm in steel, stainless steel and aluminum.

They are controlled by the TruTops Punch programming system.

The innovations submitted for patent protection have an additional benefit: the risk of injury is reduced when handling parts.